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Deadline for Donations is December 31, 2024
How can I donate to Restore Cayucos Vet’s Hall?1. DONATE ONLINE at the secure The Community Foundation San Luis Obispo County website (EIN #77-0496500). 2. PRINT + MAIL donation form and your check. 3. For stock transfers and other specific questions call The Community Foundation San Luis Obispo County at 805 543-2323.
Why did we raise money for this project? Shouldn’t the county or state simply fund this project?It is the County’s responsibility, and as of October 2022, they have committed money to the restoration. The Committee was formed in August 2021 and committed itself to raising funds for several reasons. The first was to convince the Supervisors to fund the project and we were successful. We continue to fundraise in order to provide furnishings and amenities that construction funds will not provide. Donated funds will also ensure that the Hall remains an accessible venue for local civic organizations. Local civic organizations which participated in fund raising will be able to use the Hall on weekdays for free and on weekends for half price.
Why are we still raising money for this project if reconstruction has been funded?The Committee has raised approximately $600K. $500k is pledged to the County for construction. The remaining $100k does not cover anticipated needs.
What will the donated money be spent on?All donated money will be spent on necessary equipment and amenities like: the barbecue area and its buildings; the older equipment we hope to be able to use, but that may need to be replaced; possibly a portable stage and dance floor and/or benches for the decks. On top of that, we know there will be items we can't anticipate; this is inherent in new construction and major remodel projects.
The Vets Hall closed in 2016 – why has it taken so long and costs so much?The restoration project was fundamentally complicated and prolonged by a long list of unique factors: ownership by State Parks; location on the beach; historical significance; and the lack of County funds to finance restoration. But, the single biggest factor is that in the post-covid economy, the construction bids were literally twice as much as the estimates completed in 2018. Originally, $4,500,000, it is now $9,500,000.
Now that the Board of Supervisors has voted to fund the restoration, how long will it be until it opens?"If reconstruction begins spring of 2022, the Hall could be completed by sometime in 2024.
Why can’t we use some of the extra money pier money?Pier donations were solicited for and donated to the express purpose of rebuilding the pier. It would be illegal -and unethical- to spend it for anything else.
Didn’t the Lions Club already raise a bunch of money for the Hall selling plaques?The Lions have raised about $100K with the stated purpose of helping furnish the Hall when it’s completed. The money raised by the Restoration Committee will be used for additional furnishings and equipment.
If rents from the Hall are going to pay off the bond/loan, are local organizations going to have higher or unaffordable rents?"The County has recognized and rewarded our efforts. Local civic organizations which participated in fund raising will be able to use the Hall on weekdays for free and on weekends at half price.
Will my donation be tax-deductible?Yes, donations are tax deductible as the Committee is partnering with The Community Foundation San Luis Obispo County a 501(c)3.
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